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Until the late 1960s, abortion was prohibited in Canada and it was considered to be a criminal offense. As a result, a woman was not ab Until the late 1960s, abortion was prohibited in Canada and was considered to be a criminal offense. As a result, a woman was not able to obtain an abortion in Canada. However, the Canadian Supreme Court overturned the legislation that outlawed abortion.
Currently, Canada maintains very few abortion laws regulating the acquisition of abortions. As a result, a woman is now able to obtain an abortion in Canada. Each province is responsible for establishing regulations regarding abortion funding. Abortions are widely funded through Medicare, though each province must determine how much it will fund abortions.
These relatively nonrestrictive abortion laws have caused extensive debate in Canada. Many individuals believe that Canada should create more restrictive abortion laws and regulations. In recent years, doctors who perform this procedure have been targeted by pro-life advocates in sometimes violent attacks.