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A Full Overview of the Continental Congress

Continental Congress

The Continental Congress was a convention made up of delegates from the colonies in America. These conventions were used as organizational efforts to move forward in the hopes of obtaining freedom for the colonies and securing rights for citizens of the colonies.
Continental Congress Background

The Continental Congress was a body of delegates from twelve out of the thirteen colonies of America during the late 1700s. This body of delegates came together to form a convention in which they planned out the necessary actions that the colonies had to take in order to secure emancipation from their oppressor, England. The First Continental Congress was the initial discussion and planning movement in which the delegates discussed their views of England and how the colonies could be better served. The Second Continental Congress was the action portion. This is where formal appeals and strong planning was done to secure the colonies’ freedom.
First Continental Congress

The First Continental Congress met in 1774. This was when the original 56 delegates from the twelve participating colonies came together to discuss their feelings towards England and to gain an understanding of the action that was necessary in order to secure their rights. For some, this was a difficult convention because there was still loyalty to England. For others, this was the necessary beginning towards a progressive movement of freedom.
Second Continental Congress

The Second Continental Congress occurred in 1775. Many of the same individual who attended the First Continental Congress were seen at the second one as well. However, there were new and notable additions to the Congress. Individuals like Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson were now in attendance. This was where the idea of the Declaration of Independence came around and was the first part of a large movement toward independence.

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